深圳十大装修公司 > 台风来了怎么办・・・关于门窗・・・ > 问答


5、台风来临12小时前要加固门窗,不要到临时再去关门窗或者修房屋。 台风蓝色预警信号 含义:24小时内可能受热带气旋影响,平均风力可达6级以上,或阵风7级1、你必须将窗户关好!


问答分类 门窗 来了 台风 网友:美丽苗条龙龙 来源:装修问答网 2024-06-27


  • 1、5、台风来临12小时前要加固门窗,不要到临时再去关门窗或者修房屋。 台风蓝色预警信号 含义:24小时内可能受热带气旋影响,平均风力可达6级以上,或阵风7级

  • 2、1、你必须将窗户关好!


    Typhoon Safety Tips

    &9830; Stay indoors and keep calm.&9830; 尽量不要出门。并且保持镇静。&9830; Keep informed. Listen to the radio or watch TV to get weather updates. In case of power failures, keep a battery-operated radio handy (with extra batteries).&9830; 保持消息畅通。注意广播或电视里的天气情况播报。准备一个可以用电池的收音机(还有备用电池)以防断电。&9830; Prepare candles and flashlights. Stock up on food, potable water, batteries and first-aid supplies.&9830; 准备蜡烛和手电筒。储备食物,饮用水,电池和急救用品。&9830; Secure or move inside outdoor items such as toys, bicycles, furniture, plants and anything moveable on the balcony. Move potted plants and other heavy objects away from windows inside as well.&9830; 固定或收回屋外、阳台上的一切可移动物品,包括玩具、自行车、家具、植物等等。将盆栽或其他重物搬离窗户。&9830; Watch for leaks around windows and doors. If the wind is strong enough, water may be blown into your home even if the windows are closed. Have handy towels, rags and mops.&9830; 检查门窗是否密封。如果风力过强,即便关了窗户雨水仍有可能进入屋内,因此需要准备毛巾和墩布。&9830; If the storm becomes severe, move into a hallway or area where there is the least exposure to external glass windows.&9830; 如果风力过强,请远离窗户等可能碎裂的物品。&9830; In case of flooding, turn off the main sources of electricity, gas and water in your home.&9830; 如遇洪水,关闭家中一切电源、水源、煤气。&9830; After the storm is over, check for broken glass, fallen trees and downed power lines which may present safetyhazards.&9830; 台风过去后,仍要注意破碎的玻璃、倾倒的树或断落的电线等可能造成危险的状况


  • 3、你可以用胶带纸处理啊,真的很方便,如果风力很大很大,那你就多贴胶带纸,咱可不怕多贴胶带纸,呵呵,谢谢



  • 5、台风来临12小时前要加固门窗,不要到临时再去关门窗或者修房屋。 台风蓝色预警信号 含义:24小时内可能受热带气旋影响,平均风力可达6级以上,或阵风7级
  • 1、你必须将窗户关好!


    Typhoon Safety Tips

    &9830; Stay indoors and keep calm.&9830; 尽量不要出门。并且保持镇静。&9830; Keep informed. Listen to the radio or watch TV to get weather updates. In case of power failures, keep a battery-operated radio handy (with extra batteries).&9830; 保持消息畅通。注意广播或电视里的天气情况播报。准备一个可以用电池的收音机(还有备用电池)以防断电。&9830; Prepare candles and flashlights. Stock up on food, potable water, batteries and first-aid supplies.&9830; 准备蜡烛和手电筒。储备食物,饮用水,电池和急救用品。&9830; Secure or move inside outdoor items such as toys, bicycles, furniture, plants and anything moveable on the balcony. Move potted plants and other heavy objects away from windows inside as well.&9830; 固定或收回屋外、阳台上的一切可移动物品,包括玩具、自行车、家具、植物等等。将盆栽或其他重物搬离窗户。&9830; Watch for leaks around windows and doors. If the wind is strong enough, water may be blown into your home even if the windows are closed. Have handy towels, rags and mops.&9830; 检查门窗是否密封。如果风力过强,即便关了窗户雨水仍有可能进入屋内,因此需要准备毛巾和墩布。&9830; If the storm becomes severe, move into a hallway or area where there is the least exposure to external glass windows.&9830; 如果风力过强,请远离窗户等可能碎裂的物品。&9830; In case of flooding, turn off the main sources of electricity, gas and water in your home.&9830; 如遇洪水,关闭家中一切电源、水源、煤气。&9830; After the storm is over, check for broken glass, fallen trees and downed power lines which may present safetyhazards.&9830; 台风过去后,仍要注意破碎的玻璃、倾倒的树或断落的电线等可能造成危险的状况

  • 你可以用胶带纸处理啊,真的很方便,如果风力很大很大,那你就多贴胶带纸,咱可不怕多贴胶带纸,呵呵,谢谢


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